Friday, October 16, 2009

The "WORK" confusing Politics with Pro-Wrestling

  • Does Glen Beck Really care about the Founding Fathers? I mean sure Great Britain is our Allie now but after calling the President everything but the Anti Christ do you really think sporting the Union Jack on your shirt is appropriate. After claiming to defend the constitution and miss quoting our founding fathers is it really appropriate to wear the flag that their brothers and sons died to get free from. This to me is just wrong if only I had a chalk board to explain it to you. Where is our flag even a tea stained one, don't you listen to Chuck Norris? Haven't figured this guy out completely but figured I might as well "Work" him like he works everyone who disagrees with his opinions! Dwelling on petty items while more important issues pass us bye.

  • I think however I have figured out this new radical right, to the personalities it is all just a work. Just like in Pro-Wrestling to be a "HEAL" or the bad guy is simple just tell the people to shut up.

  • Turn to the chubby lady in the front row and call her fat. People will hate you and you will be an automatic success. Find that popular, good looking, hard working and talented wrestler call him out, tell the crowd he's on roids, tell him he cant fight his way out of a paper bag. Call him a Pinko Liberal or a Commie (sound familiar?).They will hate you but they will not walk out of the arena, no. Hell no! They want to wait to see you get it 10 fold. They wont switch channels no way they want to wait for you to get yours. This in wrestling is all part of the show or the "Work". It started in the carnivals and the side shows of America and still takes place today. It is not only Wrestling however today the "Heals" are right here in front of us, we give them there ratings because we wont turn them off. They claim to have millions of viewers but are they fans? Viewing yes waiting to see the show and praying that someday yes someday the bad guy calling everyone evil will get his ! A fan some sure the ones who can not think for themselves.
  • The problem is in Wrestling the good guy is in on it, it is pretend and the crowd , or at least most of them understands this. The ones who don't understand can get rather violent and upset. What this country is dealing with is real. Real Americans who don't make 23 million dollars a year like these personalities, are in dire straits. They need real help and real reform in Washington not a "Work"!

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