Friday, October 23, 2009

"The Vampire Strikes Back"

Dick Cheney may be getting awards from the right but he will never get an Oscar. He has perhaps the longest death scene ever, please exit stage right.! The shame of it all is his show is over it ended in January and non of us bought a ticket for his new one. At least when Brett Farve comes out of retirement he wins, what is with this guy? Is Hollywood remaking "Grumpy Old Men"?

He had every opportunity to be a leader in this country. Usually when you op not to run , not to be a leader you are not found trying to lead from your couch.

Maybe after Halloween is over the monsters will go away and the play politicians will take off their costumes and go back to something they are good at. Hunting maybe ?
What is amazing is when he goes on the record there are never any questions about the Bush legacy on job creation. Does the country realize the tax money that was lost in 8 years. Given back to the richest wealthiest as part of the Trickle down economic process! It must be trickling very slow. Talk about overspending lets spend more and take in less? Putting all statistics aside how many times in the last 8 years have we heard tax cuts to big business was the solution it will create jobs! They still spout it today you have heard them..."Obama is wrong what we need are tax cuts to big business. Then they can create jobs." Yet no one ever points out that this is total rubbish. Any extra capital either lines pockets of the elite or goes into technology to eliminate jobs.
There have been no magic jobs handed out by the "Job Fairy" nothing left under our pillows! Then to throw more sand in our face, to the right their failure is never pointed out , it is all Obama's fault. Lets ask the advice of Cheney here I mean he did so well here also. Again where is his credibility? Where is his success that makes him worth all this fuss?

He had 7 years to do something with Afghanistan but instead chose to ignore it. Hey lets go after Iraq instead of the people responsible for the deaths of 3000 American Citizens. Afghanistan? No It can wait no urgency there, lets pick a different country to invade ! "Hey DICK Blind fode me... ahu ahu while I pick another country...".Why did troop requests sit on his and George W. Bush's desk and get ignored. "W" surly did not stand for win in Afghanistan or here at home!

Usually when someone cleans up the mess of another person they (the person that made it) either help clean it or get out of the way not shovel and ad more to the pile. Like the old expression, DICK you had your chance to lead ,don't want to follow, then please just get out of the way! Obama wasn't trying to pass blame just fix the problem.

Where is the respect for the office, is that only required when there is a Republican President?

I think after you wasted 7 years "DITHERING" this administration can take a little time and gather information, maybe plan not just on winning but hey how about an exit strategy like the one you forgot not once but twice.

Where is the credibility of this man, he has won nothing! They claim to have kept us safe after 911 but what about 911 itself! Didn't that happen when this know it all was Vice President.

They kept us safe? Is that what you say when you want to distract us from the fact that you dropped the ball in Afghanistan. Where would be now if we wouldn't have went into Iraq?

They put are troops in danger by putting Afghanistan on the back burner. If there is another attack on this country from Al-Qaeda then we have to think .What if we would have only concentrated on them to begin with, would it have happened? If we would have focused there won there ? If we had got Osama not Saddam, would they still be a threat today or tomorrow?
If you say you can't dwell on the past, I'll go along with that but the past is Cheney! He can't see the curtain close, he should exit stage right, very far right!

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