Friday, October 23, 2009

"The Vampire Strikes Back"

Dick Cheney may be getting awards from the right but he will never get an Oscar. He has perhaps the longest death scene ever, please exit stage right.! The shame of it all is his show is over it ended in January and non of us bought a ticket for his new one. At least when Brett Farve comes out of retirement he wins, what is with this guy? Is Hollywood remaking "Grumpy Old Men"?

He had every opportunity to be a leader in this country. Usually when you op not to run , not to be a leader you are not found trying to lead from your couch.

Maybe after Halloween is over the monsters will go away and the play politicians will take off their costumes and go back to something they are good at. Hunting maybe ?
What is amazing is when he goes on the record there are never any questions about the Bush legacy on job creation. Does the country realize the tax money that was lost in 8 years. Given back to the richest wealthiest as part of the Trickle down economic process! It must be trickling very slow. Talk about overspending lets spend more and take in less? Putting all statistics aside how many times in the last 8 years have we heard tax cuts to big business was the solution it will create jobs! They still spout it today you have heard them..."Obama is wrong what we need are tax cuts to big business. Then they can create jobs." Yet no one ever points out that this is total rubbish. Any extra capital either lines pockets of the elite or goes into technology to eliminate jobs.
There have been no magic jobs handed out by the "Job Fairy" nothing left under our pillows! Then to throw more sand in our face, to the right their failure is never pointed out , it is all Obama's fault. Lets ask the advice of Cheney here I mean he did so well here also. Again where is his credibility? Where is his success that makes him worth all this fuss?

He had 7 years to do something with Afghanistan but instead chose to ignore it. Hey lets go after Iraq instead of the people responsible for the deaths of 3000 American Citizens. Afghanistan? No It can wait no urgency there, lets pick a different country to invade ! "Hey DICK Blind fode me... ahu ahu while I pick another country...".Why did troop requests sit on his and George W. Bush's desk and get ignored. "W" surly did not stand for win in Afghanistan or here at home!

Usually when someone cleans up the mess of another person they (the person that made it) either help clean it or get out of the way not shovel and ad more to the pile. Like the old expression, DICK you had your chance to lead ,don't want to follow, then please just get out of the way! Obama wasn't trying to pass blame just fix the problem.

Where is the respect for the office, is that only required when there is a Republican President?

I think after you wasted 7 years "DITHERING" this administration can take a little time and gather information, maybe plan not just on winning but hey how about an exit strategy like the one you forgot not once but twice.

Where is the credibility of this man, he has won nothing! They claim to have kept us safe after 911 but what about 911 itself! Didn't that happen when this know it all was Vice President.

They kept us safe? Is that what you say when you want to distract us from the fact that you dropped the ball in Afghanistan. Where would be now if we wouldn't have went into Iraq?

They put are troops in danger by putting Afghanistan on the back burner. If there is another attack on this country from Al-Qaeda then we have to think .What if we would have only concentrated on them to begin with, would it have happened? If we would have focused there won there ? If we had got Osama not Saddam, would they still be a threat today or tomorrow?
If you say you can't dwell on the past, I'll go along with that but the past is Cheney! He can't see the curtain close, he should exit stage right, very far right!

Friday, October 16, 2009

"The Christian, The Good American The SHEPHERD, The Wolf and the lost sheep"

There is a moving decay in this country and it is very vial. It reeks of double standards and political standards backed by a just god. Unfortunately for him his followers have forgotten how to follow in his ways. They claim to stand fast for everything he says but yet are lost sheep following not their Shepherd but the wolf that will eat them one by one. Right or left ,Christain or others we are all Ameriacans first. Can we talk civil and put down the clubs?

Who is it that wishes to throw the first stone? How does it get cast? The majority have spoken, we continue to speak, when will we be heard? Perhaps if they put the stones down and joined in our converstion we could be. Yes join in our debate but wait be dignified speak when it is your turn and you to will be heard.

I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ only son of the father, who came to this earth to deliver us from evil and was crucified and died for our sins. He suffered more before his crucifixion then anyone human could ever take. I have asked him to be my savior and I try imperfectly to follow what he has taught me. I however also believe in science!Can you put those two in the same paragraph? I don't like abortion but I respect a womans right and the laws of my country.

It saddens me every day to see his sheep lead to slaughter by the wolf. They are much like the Israelites fleeing from Egypt using their wealth to create false idols to worship in his place. They are presented with proof but deny its existence, I mean science isn't real is it? You betcha it is. Wink!

Where is the humanity in which he preached? Why can’t our fellow brother and sisters get health care? Why do so many of them have to die because they don’t have it? Shouldn't there be some Good Samaritans who want to take up the cause? No there only good Americans who just don't get it. The good American is to busy worrying about himself, then to help his brothers and sisters of god. He or she is to greedily holding onto his wallet as though all their fellow Americans might steal it from him. Wouldn't want to spread the wealth. I have so why should I care who has not!

He is too busy claiming to be without sins and claiming to be the most righteous. Yes that Good Samaritan or “Good American” is too busy declaring people evil, Communist, socialists, liberals or worst by far traitorous. We in this country have declared ourselves equal but we are not equal here. The middle class is not equal. The poor are not equal. We struggle everyday to make ends meet. We will allways be different and think different but when will we be born Equal, All men and women?

Our founding fathers intended us to keep religion out of our laws and wanted all men to have the right to religious freedom of their choice. The “Good American” does not want that however he wants to enforce his will over everyone else’s. He is not concerned that our elected officials were just that elected by a majority. They are so determined to undermine the majorities vote they are trying to invalidate a certificate of live birth. I have a Certificate from the state of PA and one from the PA hospital where I was born. The birth certificate from the hospital is not worth the paper it is printed on. The other gives me the right to a passport, social security, is considered by the state and this great country to be proof I am a citizen. The hospital’s is proof only that I had big feet as an infant. I should probably not disclose that the insurance companies might consider it a pre existing condition.

I am a descendant of George Washington’s father Augustine, by his older half brother Augustine II. My fifth great grandparents met when Nancy Thorton brought Private Hugh Rogers water during the American Revolution justly if it would not have been for the revolution I would not exist nor would my entire family. There are many like me perhaps you reading this I know I am not alone. I am a very proud American, proud to grow up in what still is the greatest country in the world. I am also a proud citizen of the Earth. I am a proud Christian and I know how to separate them all and which values are more important. When people talk about our country it is always We did, We did, We did! We defeated England to win our independence, what about the French and the Prussians didn’t they help us? What of Von Steuben and Lafayette they get no credit? We defeated ourselves in the civil war, what about the immigrants’ fresh off the boats that fought besides us. We defeated Germany Twice, we did do so much to win WWI and WWII. We sacrificed we came together as a nation but we were not alone. All countries of the world paid for those wars with their lives. My point is we didn’t do it alone, I think perhaps the Spanish American war might have been us alone, have to refresh my history on that. We have been the most successful when we work with the world, shouldn’t we try to improve relationships with all peaceful countries.

Marquis de Lafayette Monument, Prospect Park, Brooklyn
Uncle George new him have we forgot?

They the ‘Good American” cannot have that they stand before Christ and cast stones at everyone who has a different opinion then them. At last the “Good American” today walks by his brothers and sisters of this world and acts as though they were lepers. Forgetting how Christ whom they claim to follow fed the hungry and healed the sick. Of the cost didn’t he Christ tell us to give to Caesar what is Caesars What of the almighty dollar adorned with many different symbols, names and different faces. Should those who can afford to give it back do just that and give back what we can, if we are truly Christians.

The lost sheep protest and murder those who believe in abortion simply saying they get what they deserve. They believe in the death penalty. They condone, support and encourage the killings of hundreds of thousands in “just” wars, wars for oil, land, freedom and worse religion. Love thy neighbor? Befriend mine enemy? I support our troops and I pray that no more of them have to die, but I will never believe in war. There should always be diplomacy first. Christ did not lead an army to battle by the sword but by his words and his words alone he has conquered for over 2000 years. Those sheep who come to the Tea Parties with signs that read “we come unarmed this time” I tell you a true follower of Christ is never unarmed as long as his (Christ’s)word exists !

We who are his disciples of modern times forget how he sent us out into the world to save it. Have we not learned from our earlier brothers from the fortunes of those who lead the way for Christ himself like Jonah. Have we no compasion for our fellow man. We fail to be humble unto our lord humble upon the planet he has created for us.

We have a president today that has done just that and humbled himself, the most powerful man in the world, humbled himself to the world. He told them that they too must step up and lead us into the future. They must take their own reigns and help save our planet. Told them that they shouldn’t rely on the “ Good American” to bail them out but instead be “Good Earthlings” and grab a bucket and start bailing with us. What has this man humble under god gotten for being a good captain and staying fast at the helm of our planet while it sinks. He has gotten stoned repeatedly by a people who claim to be Christians. They criticize him call him names and spit on his faith and his effort, much like the people in the streets 2000 years ago laughing and spitting at the “King of the Jews “ as he painfully carried his cross unto his own crucifixion. They doubt his earthly award claiming he is not “Nobel” enough. He has not produced any scape goats to pass the blame for our present conditions only solutions to get out of it. He alone is the scape goat much like the jews became the scape goat of the nazis. Those that compare him to Hitler are Hitler themself finding a new jew to pass blame on.

One thing I am sure of is in his own words humble words he might not be “Noble” enough for such an earthly award. I know in my heart that he will receive the greatest reward a follower of Christ can ever get which is much more then I can say for those sheep who have lost their way.

As a Christian I have never judged or condemned anyone it is not our purpose to judge or condemn. We can only show them the way and lead them to Jesus. Use his word as our weapon and pray for those who can not hear it. I pray every day that his sheep will find their way back and hear his words, answer his call to them. Anyone who uses his word to justify hurting anyone is wrong, he never taught that.

We were all lead for 8 years by a Wolf who gave back to the wealthiest claiming it would trickle down to the poorest. Tax cuts to the wealthiest given to stimulate and create jobs, to whom is this believable to. Perhaps to the naive who has never worked for a large business? Those of us who do who live paycheck to paycheck know that this was truly what was evil in our country. If you work for a living you know that business isn’t about job creation. Jobs do not trickle down, they are not created by the Job Fairy with a swipe of a magic wand. There are no jobs being left under our pillows! Any money or extra capital is either paid out to execs as large bonuses or spent on machinery or refinement to eliminate jobs. Simply the tax cuts should have like a lot of other things had regulations and stipulations requiring job creation. Talk about big spending that is anti growth all that money just given back to big business while middle America didn’t’ even get a percent of cost of living increases. No magically created jobs , healthcare and fuel costs skyrocketing.

We spent hundreds of billions of dollars blowing up and rebuilding foreign countries and not a nickel in our own. We spent trillions refinanced the banks, the insurance companies and Wall Street. However the middle class American and the small businesses can’t get anything. Tarp is still ever changing the banks are doing well. As the banks pay back this money we should reinvest it in jobs in this country, small businesses and infrastructure. We need to take care of our people united we stand divided we will not only fall but fail. Lets all be “Good Americans”, let us give if we can.If you are going to call yourself Christians then please act like Christians! Whatever happened to country first the double standards must end. Let us not root to fail but unite and overcome and truly be equal! Everyone's opinion is important but let us not forget how to express ours with dignity and pride as Americans united in if not our politics who we are and where we come from! Like Good Americans not lost sheep!

The "WORK" confusing Politics with Pro-Wrestling

  • Does Glen Beck Really care about the Founding Fathers? I mean sure Great Britain is our Allie now but after calling the President everything but the Anti Christ do you really think sporting the Union Jack on your shirt is appropriate. After claiming to defend the constitution and miss quoting our founding fathers is it really appropriate to wear the flag that their brothers and sons died to get free from. This to me is just wrong if only I had a chalk board to explain it to you. Where is our flag even a tea stained one, don't you listen to Chuck Norris? Haven't figured this guy out completely but figured I might as well "Work" him like he works everyone who disagrees with his opinions! Dwelling on petty items while more important issues pass us bye.

  • I think however I have figured out this new radical right, to the personalities it is all just a work. Just like in Pro-Wrestling to be a "HEAL" or the bad guy is simple just tell the people to shut up.

  • Turn to the chubby lady in the front row and call her fat. People will hate you and you will be an automatic success. Find that popular, good looking, hard working and talented wrestler call him out, tell the crowd he's on roids, tell him he cant fight his way out of a paper bag. Call him a Pinko Liberal or a Commie (sound familiar?).They will hate you but they will not walk out of the arena, no. Hell no! They want to wait to see you get it 10 fold. They wont switch channels no way they want to wait for you to get yours. This in wrestling is all part of the show or the "Work". It started in the carnivals and the side shows of America and still takes place today. It is not only Wrestling however today the "Heals" are right here in front of us, we give them there ratings because we wont turn them off. They claim to have millions of viewers but are they fans? Viewing yes waiting to see the show and praying that someday yes someday the bad guy calling everyone evil will get his ! A fan some sure the ones who can not think for themselves.
  • The problem is in Wrestling the good guy is in on it, it is pretend and the crowd , or at least most of them understands this. The ones who don't understand can get rather violent and upset. What this country is dealing with is real. Real Americans who don't make 23 million dollars a year like these personalities, are in dire straits. They need real help and real reform in Washington not a "Work"!
